Friday, June 15, 2012

Week Four: Temptation

It is highly unfair that my workplace is across the street from a Damon's. Steak, burgers, greasy foods; all right there and I'm not allowed to walk the 30 feet and eat any of it. I feel like an episode of Reaper where the Devil is running an AA meeting and challenges the people there to order their absolute favorite drink, look at it, and walk away. Needless to say, only one guy survived. Shall I survive this temptation or will I break down?

Actually, a news story came out recently that reported that beef is getting more expensive so, financially, it's probably a lot better for me to be switching to turkey and chicken and almost completely cutting out beef. But, as many of us know, logic has little to do with hunger cravings.

What makes it really tough to not go to a nearby restaurant was the fact that today's lunch was just so bland. Veggies and rice...again...with very little seasoning. Didn't make for a good lunch. It almost made me go get a soda so I could actually get something with taste. Fortunately Fluxxdog talked me down from that one.

I have actually managed to lose a couple more pounds in the past week or so and I'd like to continue this trend. Cutting out soda and beef are probably two very big parts of the weight loss. Doesn't mean I don't occasionally want them. Hunger for them. Crave them to the point my teeth start grinding on the insides of my mouth...sorry, what was I talking about?

Anyways, dieting sucks but I'm sticking with it. Still, does anyone know of alternatives or diversions from food temptations? I'd really like to know.

funny pictures of cats with captions

Friday, June 8, 2012

Week Three: The Struggle for Survival

I sincerely apologize for not posting last week. I fear I may have accidentally cheated on the vegetarian day by ordering vegetable lo-mein from a Chinese restaurant. Aside from some sodium issues, my mood was quite level.

Today, however, three weeks into this experiment, two weeks into the major dieting and exercise excursion and I'm panting for breath. I'm tired 85% of the time and sore/achy 98% of the time. I'm also having some sleeping issues I can't figure out that are probably related to being so tired. Any one know of any quick remedies other than 5-hour energy or more coffee or tea?

The highlight of the past week for me was when Fluxxdog botched dinner and we had to order out to eat. We could have been healthy and gone for something relatively low in calories/sodium/fat, but we went big time. We each got our own pizza topped with bacon and philly steak. It was amazing!

Now, however, we're back on track and kinda making up for it. I'm getting put on the new stationary bike every morning, first thing after I "wake up". It gets me moving and is good for circulation, but I still gripe and complain the whole 5 minutes. Yeah, I'm a champ :-P

Today's lunch was terribly plain. A stalk of broccoli and a couple of cups of brown rice. What I wouldn't give to have had some chicken mixed in there. Anyways, does anyone know of some easy, quick vegetarian recipes that actually have flavor? That would be amazing!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day One: The Shakes Begin

I go to bed tonight still hungry, dreaming of tomorrow's breakfast of bacon and pancakes...mostly I dream about the bacon. The cravings didn't really set in until around lunch time and by then I had eaten one piece of fruit every hour I was at work. Apparently fruit is not filling nor satisfying. I had fantasies about hunting down rabbits and squirrels and eating them raw.

My mood was awful. I don't know if my coworkers could tell, but my mood was and still is that of a crotchety old man/serial killer/mindless zombie. I couldn't focus on anything to save my life! I couldn't make a decision to save my life.

When I got home I made myself a PB&J sandwich. It temporarily relieved the shakes and bad mood. However, it wasn't until Fluxxdog made the black bean and cheese quesadillas that I was able to actually sate my appetite and calm my mood. Unfortunately, an hour or so later, I was hungry again. So, I made up a bag of popcorn. It was somewhat less than satisfying.

No it's 10:30 and I know I could bring a good meal to me sooner by going to sleep, but my stomach will not let me rest. And neither will Fluxxdog's. We are detoxing from the greasy foods we used to eat and fighting every urge to order out for pizza, though it is exactly what our stomachs are telling us to get. I must hold out hope. For tomorrow, there will be bacon.

...there will be bacon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Greetings and Salutations!

There are several books and blogs about how to become a vegetarian and a vegan, but how many are there about going from carnivore to omnivore? I am currently in the transition. People who barely know me know that I am a carnivore at heart. It's something I get from my mother, if I don't eat enough meat my teeth will start to gnash and itch and the insides of my cheeks will be their teethers. Not to mention I'll be incredibly irritable and will have daydreams of biting someone's throat out.

Psychosis? Severe sign of a deficiency? Perhaps. But we move on.

In an effort to lose weight to better our health and save some money on groceries, my Domestic Services Manager (House Bitch) and I will be transition to a diet that is less focused on meat and more focused on vegetables, or at least a balanced diet. This blog will hopefully serve as a guide to my fellow carnivores on how to adapt to the natural omnivorous state human beings are supposed to live in.

To start this transition, we are dedicating one day a week to vegetarian foods only. *shudder* This Friday will be the first day of the trial food. I will post pictures, possibly recipes, of what we are eating and give feedback at the end of the day regarding whether or not I'm feeling the symptoms of voracious carnivorism. One must expect the first few weeks to be the most difficult, but hopefully I shall persevere.

By the way, I'm happy to make this blog interactive. Any tips from carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores is accepted. Even the heathen vegans. Also, recipe ideas are greatly appreciated as I'm sure the DSM and I will run out of them soon enough.

Also, while some of you may give me prayers of strength and self-control, don't forget to add prayers for my co-workers and DSM. They'll have to put up with me. :)